Hello and welcome to this post on how to make delicious naan bread. Remember this isn't the only blog on the website, let me assure you. Also, remember to vote on your fave from each Rishi's Kitchen Awards categorise via the blogs and comment section. Don't forget to check out the other blogs too, such as build a better burger, make your greens taste better and how to make a mushroom and Cumin omelette. On top of that, get busy in the community. Become a member, comment and like on posts, visit the member's hub and follow other members. Let's GET THIS COMMUNITY THRIVING PEOPLE! But for now, here's a naan recipe:
For making 6 naans
White flour strong 300g, extra for dusting
Sea salt 5 g
Yeast. 1tsf

Sugar 1tsf
Egg One
Milk 100 ml
Vegetable oil. 1tbsf
Melted butter for brushing
Yoghurt 1tbsf
Put flour in a bowl, and make a well in the centre, add salt, sugar, yeast and whisked egg. Mix the ingredients together.
Add warmed milk and mix thoroughly, then knead with your hands to a smooth dough, it should take 3 to 4 minutes. You may need dust your hands with some flour while kneading.
Set the dough aside for 5 minutes
Trickle the oil on to the dough and knead for 3
minutes and bring it back to a smooth ball.
Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and leave to rest for one hour.
When the resting time is over divide the dough into 6 equal balls of dough, cover with a tea towel for further 15 minutes.
Lightly dust a work surface with some flour, take a ball of dough and flatten into a round and then roll into a thin naan.
Rub the naan with a small amount of yoghurt and sprinkle some nigella seeds.
Heat the oven to about 240 degrees.
Put the naans in the oven when ready and cook for 4 to 5 minutes each.
When ready brush with melted butter and enjoy!
Looking forward to seeing her pics!
Aunty Stan says she is going to make it too!
WOW! That looks Ammmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzing! Abi
Rishi, you are a genius, we all loved it 👍. Thanks, Abi in Aus